Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Meat VS Snow

Try to find meat in a blizzard.

Take a picture in the dark.. take strieght though my heart.
with out so much as a bark My job is lost, Got an interview at an upstart
Frost on the straets made all the cars skid. On our way to find meats . all stores were guaging and for a meat treat we had to bid . It was all white ,would it last all night, that would be a fight. If I get too hungry I go crazy, sure, I just get lazy and fall to sleep.

In the morning a half of face was gone. Nasty cover it in lace and go some place. too much snow we must all stay. They looked all day and found no food and a bad mood loomed.

After non dinner.
Into one bed to small we all layed. After a bit we felt a bite. Was we all nibbling on some something.

Colder it got the less awake and with it we had in us.

after things that went down without saying i will say on the 8th day the sun was warm.

Again the perfect escape. Oh the beach will be calm and relaxing.

Sorry I feel the same for the one the shark got and the owns forced to watch, as well as the shark

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